Minggu, 09 Juli 2023

Donation Sites


Donations Sites
  1.  http://www.maryvale.org/about-us/daughters-of-charity/
  2. https://www.daughtersofcharity.ie/mission-outreach/what-we-do-on-mission
  3. http://vincentians.com/category/the-vincentian-family/branches/daughters-of-charity/
  4. http://www.vlm.ie/donate-to-vlm/
  5. Resurrection Catholic Church - Donate/Payments
  6. Catholic Church - St. Robert, MO
  7. Online/Recurring Donations | Our Lady of Grace Church
  8. St Peter Montgomery Online Giving
  9. St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, Lebanon, Tennessee
  10. Give online | Holy Cross Roman Catholic Parish
  11. Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
  12. St. Joseph's Church, Wolverhampton - Make a Donation
  13. St. Thomas More Catholic Parish, Scranton > Home > Donate
  14. Donations | St. Augustine Church
  15. St. Mary Roman Catholic Church
  16. Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church of Picayune, MS - Donate
  17. www.stiggys.org/newsite/online_donation.php
  18. Donations - St Michael Building Fund
  19. Home
  20. Donate :: Sacred Heart of Jesus
  21. Maria Regina Catholic Church - Donation
  22. Church of St.Thomas More
  23. St. Peter’s Apostolic Works! | St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
  24. Saint Bruno Catholic Church - Donate
  25. St. Lawrence Catholic Church Contributions and Donations
  26. Make a Donation | St. Elizabeth Catholic Church Community
  27. Saint Louis Roman Catholic Church
  28. Incarnation Catholic Church | Orlando - College Park
  29. Donate | Church of the Blessed Sacrament - Newark, Ohio
  30. Support | Christ the King Cathedral | Lubbock, TX
  31. Donate online
  32. Donate
  33. How to Give | Donate to the Carmelite Monks
  34. Mt. Carmel Hermitage Carmelite Monastery; Donations & Support
  35. Donate
  36. Our Life of Prayer | Carmel of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
  37. Donate | DCFCAP
  38. Sisters of Carmel: About Us
  39. Untitled Page
  40. Saint Joseph Seminary College - Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College Donations

  1. http://svdpri.org/
  2. Donations - Columban Missionaries Britain
  3. Missionaries of the Poor
  4. http://daughtersofdivinecharity.org/history-of-the-congregation/ 
  5. Missionaries Of Charity Inc. | Canadian Charity
  6. http://www.myfranciscan.org/facilities/hermitage/hermitage-accommadations/
  7. Catholic Charities Donations
  8. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton - online donations
  9. Catholic Charities of Broome County : What You Can Do : Donate
  10. Catholic Charities Odessa Texas - Donation Information
  11. Donations - Catholic Charities Diocese of PuebloCatholic Charities Diocese of Pueblo
  12. DONATE NOW | Catholic Charities Jackson Lenawee Hillsdale Counties
  13. Catholic Charities Of Shiawasee & Genesee Counties » Donate
  14. Donate - Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio
  15. Donate
  16. Make a Donation to Catholic Charities | Catholic Charities - Corpus Christi | Corpus Christi, Texas
  17. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Gary - Donations - social service agency, housing counseling, adoption services, pregnancy counseling, gateway housing, family counseling, natural family planning
  18. Donate easily through PayPal! | New York State Catholic Conference
  19. Catholic Charities Serving Orange County - HOW TO DONATE
  20. Donate to Catholic Charities of Orange County, NY
  21. Donations | Livingston County Catholic Charities
  22. Tax-Deductible Charitable Giving to Catholic Charities of Onedia and Madison Counties
  23. Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary - Ways to Give
  24. Make a Donation Online to Catholic Charities | Catholic Charities NWO
  25. Straight & Narrow, Inc
  26. Make a Gift - Catholic Charities of the Finger Lakes
  28. Donations - Grand Valley Catholic Outreach
  29. Alternative ways to donate (Cross Catholic Outreach)
  30. St. Mary's Catholic Church - Clinton, OK - Donations
  31. Catholic Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee - Nashville, Tennessee
  32. Catholic Charities Community Services - Make A Donation
  33. Catholic Social Services - Donations
  34. Ways to Give - Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle
  35. Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux > Home > Help Others Now
  36. Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska : What You Can Do : Donate
  37. Catholic Charities Diocese of Kalamazoo - Financial Support
  38. Aid for Kids | Children's Food, Healthcare, Shelter and Education Fund
  39. Online Donations | Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Traverse City, MI
  40. Donate
  41. General Donations
  42. Live gratefully, give generously - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver
  43. Missionary Work in Africa | Starvation in Africa | Diseases in Africa | Africa Children
  44. ethiopia | Catholic Relief Services
  45. Catholic Charities NY: Make an Online Gift Today!
  46. Donation Add
  47. St. Joseph's Carmelite Home family and child residential treatment center
  48. Carmelite Missions | Order of Carmelites | Darien, IL - Donations
  49. Donations | Cincinnati Carmelite Nursing Home | St. Margaret Hall
  50. Carmelite Home
  51. Donate to the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy | Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

  1. https://www.huttstcentre.org.au/about_us
  2. http://justgiving.com/
  3. Save the Children 
  4. The Water Project 
  5. Charity Water
  6. Donate | CanadaHelps - Donate to any charity in Canada

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