Minggu, 09 Juli 2023

Making sure your prayer requests are fulfilled this christmas

 Catholic Prayer Requests

Mass Intentions (Paid)
Prayer request

My prayer intentions:
My name is Brigitta Immaculata. I ask Jesus so that I may be buried in San Diego Hills or Sentosa Karawang (http://grahasentosa.co.id/) and not cremated. This is my daily prayers intention: For conversion of sinners, perseverance of the just, relief for souls in purgatory. For the poor, the sick, the imprisoned. For Brigitta Immaculata and all her loved ones. I asked Jesus for me and my loved ones to be buried like st gemma galgani or mother teresa in San Diego Hills (https://www.sandiegohills.co.id/) or Sentosa Karawang and not cremated. If possible to be put in a glass case like st bernadette! and I ask Jesus for us to be safe for all eternity. I also ask Jesus for me and my loved ones so that we can be safe from covid and other misfortunes  and diseases now and forever. I ask Jesus this through the intercession of St Therese of Lisieux, Pope St John Paul II, and St Teresa of Calcutta. I ask Jesus so that I may be successful, in fruitarianism, and in other things. 

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