Minggu, 09 Juli 2023

Free Catholic Books

 Free Catholic Books

Writings of the saints

Writings of the saints in foreign languages

Writings of the saints audiobook

Note: The alleged marian apparition in naju, the visioner, Julia Kim had been automatically excommunicated recently by vatican decree. I used to follow her religiously when I was young, but I had converted and went to confession for being a follower, knowing that she lied about the apparition. I assume her book to be a great novel, which is a work of fiction.

I also used to follow religiously saintsbooks.net with its author Shin, who made archbishoplefebvre.com and declared that he belongs to SSPX, which is in schism with the Catholic church. So I converted and went to confession about it too. What helps me in my conversion is the works of Terry Jones and Father Adolf Heuken, SJ. They promote and teach the Second Vatican Council.

Riley R also commited and promoted incestous relationship which I detest wholeheartedly. I watched her movie once without full knowledge of it.

Writings of the saints highlights
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas A Kempis (Book read by St Therese of Lisieux) 
The Spiritual Combat by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli (Book read by St Bernadette Soubirous) 

Saints' Books by Catholic Way Publishing 
Saints' Books by Aeterna Press
Saints' Books by TAN Books (Mirror) TAN Books bestsellers are Eucharistic MiraclesThe IncorruptiblesRelics_ What They Are and Why all by Joan Carol Cruz. And Modern Saints Vol IVol II both by Ann Ball. 
Saints' Books by ICS Publications
Saints' Books by Various Catholic Publishers
Saints' Books in EPUB format

You can find writings of the saints in google play books by typing "Writings of the Saints" or "Saints Collection" for as low as $2 (Especially from Aeterna PressCatholic Way Publishing
For Android
You can buy books starting from $2 or read the free excerpts
Books not starting from $2 but worth buying

A very important article on Catholic.com

A very important note on how to do the Ten Commandments is by being a "statue". When doing inner examination, one can see that by being a "statue" and not moving or touching the neigbour, one has fulfilled all the Ten Commandments. For example: Do not murder, by being a "statue" one has fulfilled this commandment. Do not steal, by being a "statue" one has fulfillled this commandment, etc. St Anthony Mary Claret takes this further by saying that a saint does not like to eat like a saint's statue, by doing this his missions are more efficacious. (Saint's statue doesn't eat). Doing Ten Commandments this way become easy. Also, the most important thing in life is love. That is the Greatest Commandment. What you get is the benefit of clear conscience which is happiness. There are two types of sins, mortal sins and venial sins. If we commit venial sins, we are still in a state of grace. If we commit mortal sins, we are not in a state of grace anymore. Therefore these mortal sins have to be confessed in the Sacrament of Confession for us to be put back by God in a state of grace. St Teresa of Avila likens the soul in a state of grace like a beautiful crystal castle, in her book The Interior Castle. Beware also there is a type of sins that is against the Holy Ghost, that cannot be forgiven, such as bestiality. There are three conditions for mortal sin. 

In the moral theology of Catholicism, a mortal sin requires that all of the following conditions are met:

  1. Its subject matter must be grave. (The term "grave sin" is used at times to indicate grave matter, and at times to indicate mortal sin. But it always remains true that the following two conditions are requisite for mortal sin.[9])
  2. It must be committed with full knowledge (and awareness) of the sinful action and the gravity of the offense.
  3. It must be committed with deliberate and complete consent.[10]

One must also shun or avoid bad companions. You become who you befriend with. Some saints such as Saint Bruno of Cologne, O.Cart even go as far as living in a cloister to retire from the world and avoid worldly companions. He founded Carthusian Order. Thus they live in contemplative orders. It also applies to active orders also. Such as the Good Sheperd Sisters founded by St Mary Euphrasia Pelletier. It is good to always ask God of forgiveness for both mortal and venial sins. To go to frequent confession onece every fortnight like the saints did. A good prayer to repeat in the heart is "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. "

"For the Greater Glory of God and Salvation of Souls" - St Ignatius of Loyola
"Ora et Labora - Pray and Work" - Saint Teresa of Calcutta

For a complete database of Catholic Saints from Wikipedia, you can download the app
For complete Catholic Saints Calendar you can download the app

The Jews pray Siddur Keter Shelomo with linear English translation in the Western Wall. You can send note to the wall in the website. You can download the Siddur Keter Shelomo apk and install it in android and pray it as well.

Apps to buy for relatively low price

More books on the plant based diet

Pray the Divine Office

Relics of St Anthony of Padua (click on images for prayer request at Basilica of St Anthony of Padua or to post the prayers near the relic of St Anthony of Padua) 

                         St Padre Pio Incorrupt Body

St Catherine Laboure Incorrupt Body

                 Beato Carlo Acutis Incorrupt Body

Here's the reader to open the books:




St Michael the Archangel, pray for us. 

Garabandal Marian Apparitions

1. The Messages - Garabandal

2. The Movie - Garabandal

3. The Story of Garabandal

4. Garabandal Australia

5. Garabandal Videos

6. Garabandal Apostolate

Our Lady of Knock

People who claim to have been cured at Knock still leave crutches and sticks at the spot where the apparition is believed to have occurred.[12]

Knock Shrine - Place A Petition

Statue Jesus on the Cross is bleeding in one of the parishes (Video)

The Holy Eucharist in Mass in one of the parishes is bleeding (Video)

Books about the Desert Fathers

1. Vitae Patrum (Wiki

2. The Anonymous Sayings of the Desert Fathers (Mirror

3. The Sayings of The Desert Fathers

4. Fathers of the Desert Vol I (Vol II

5. Book Of Paradise, Being The Histories And Sayings Of The Monks And Ascetics Of The Egyptian Desert Vol I (Vol II

6. The Paradise Or Garden of the Holy Fathers: Being Histories of the Anchorites, Recluses, Monks

Books and Songs by Mattie JT Stepanek

1. Music Through Heartsongs - Billy Gilman

2. Reflections of a Peacemaker: A Portrait in Poetry

3. Journey Through Heartsongs

4. Just Peace - A Message of Hope (Download PDF

(Download EPUB

5. Messenger: The Legacy of Mattie J.T. Stepanek and Heartsongs (Download EPUB

Billy Gilman Classic Christmas

                 (Click on image to download) 

Relics of the saints (click on images for further information)

Reliquary containing a relic of Saint Thomas Aquinas (click on images for more relics)

The document certifying the authenticity of this relic

The form Daily Mass Intentions

















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